The first group of IASGO Fellows (FASGO) – Class of 2023 – has been elected by the Executive Committee and announced in Verona at IASGO 34
From 2024, the annual election to the IASGO College of Fellows (COF) will be done by nomination by:
- 1 IASGO Fellow (active, with membership paid up to date)
- 1 IASGO member (active, with membership paid up to date)
and selection by a specially designated IASGO selection committee.
We are establishing the FASGO credential to promote the mission of the IASGO further, i.e., improve the standards of medical care through the globalization of state-of-the-art medical knowledge and practice and by promoting innovative treatment approaches.
FASGO will be conferred to medical professionals, scientists, and advocates who meet specific academic and practice requirements. Fellows can only use the FASGO credential in good standing and active members of the IASGO. FASGO members are expected to engage in IASGO activities worldwide and remain financially current with their membership dues to continue to use the designation legally. Once membership lapses, the FASGO credential will no longer be legally allowed in any context. The designation is the exclusive intellectual property of the IASGO. The IASGO pursues misuse of the FASGO designation by nonmembers of IASGO.
IASGO Fellowship Requirements
June 30 of each year will be the final date to accept nominations. The completed applications must be submitted to <> and kept on file in the IASGO Headquarters by this date. Only completed nominations that fulfill the requirements will be considered. The selection as a Fellow will be completed by June of the following year and announced formally at the World Congress of IASGO.
A completed nomination form is required from each applicant. In addition to providing information regarding their training and practice, applicants are requested to:
Abide by the bylaws, rules, and regulations of the IASGO.
The applicant will provide the names of two references; one must be an IASGO Fellow and the other may be either an IASGO Fellow or an ordinary member of IASGO who is in good standing. To ensure a smooth application process, it is highly recommended that the applicant obtains verbal assurance from these individuals of their willingness to support you before submission. Each nomination submission must include the following:
1) completed application form (find it here)
2) a comprehensive CV
3) a letter from the nominating Fellow of IASGO
Evaluation of Applications for IASGO Fellowship
The evaluation of an applicant for Fellowship is based on information relating to the applicant’s professional experience and competence, ethical conduct, and professional standing in the national and international community. Such information is obtained from IASGO leaders, references named by the applicant, and others. The Selection Committee will evaluate all applicants using a standard scoring system and finalize the list during a discussion in plenary.
After reviewing and evaluating all information, the IASGO Selection Committee will make one of three decisions:
- Approved for IASGO Fellowship — when the applicant receives the approval from the Selection Committee members.
- Strong candidate — this is an applicant’s postponement, not a denial of the application. It is designed to allow the applicant to obtain another reference who is of good standing, to acquire further knowledge or experience, or to develop professionally. It also provides the Committee with an additional period for observation, investigation, and further evaluation of the applicant’s eligibility for Fellowship.
- Not electable — this is a denial of the application.
The Selection Committee Chair will provide an assessment report for their nominations (including a ranked list of candidates) to the Executive Committee for final approval. The decision is emailed to the applicants and nominators before June 30.
All newly elected members will receive a formal invitation from the President, inviting them to accept membership and an invitation to participate in the induction ceremony at the next annual IASGO World Congress. The IASGO President confers the Fellowship.
Strong candidates will be encouraged to resubmit an application the following year.
Following a denial of an application, the applicant may submit a new application after a waiting period of three years.
Applicants who have received a “Strong candidate” or a denial of their application may request an appeal. To initiate an appeal, the applicant must submit a written request to the IASGO Secretary General by email to <>. Appeals are heard under the direction of the Executive Committee, which may reverse the decision on an application at its discretion. The final decision of the Executive Committee is binding.
Incomplete applications are deferred for consideration to the following year.
Application Fee
There is no fee for application for IASGO Fellowship. However, all applicants and nominators must be IASGO members in good standing and have their membership dues up to date at the time of application.
IASGO Fellow code of conduct
Election as an IASGO Fellow is an honor, and all Fellows are expected to meet the commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity. IASGO Fellows represent the most accomplished surgery, gastroenterology, and oncology leaders. IASGO is more than a professional society; it is an organization of leaders committed to multidisciplinary approaches to complex medical problems worldwide. Fellows are expected to actively engage in IASGO activities and contribute as ambassadors for their fields worldwide. As such, nomination packages must reflect the demonstrated action and willingness to serve in such a role as an asset to the organization.