Prof. Ho-Seong Han, M.D., Ph.D Seoul, Korea
Associate Editor
Professor of Department of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital(SNUBH)
Prof. Han graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine in 1984, and finished internship and residency of department of Surgery at Seoul National University Hospital in 1988 and received his Ph.D from the same institution.
His fields of interests are hepatobiliary surgery and laparoscopic surgery.
Currently he’streasurer of IASGO, President-elect of Korean Society of HBP Surgery, President of the Korean Study Group of Laparoscopic Liver Surgery, ex-Chairman of Korean Society of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgery, ex-Chairman of Korean Society of Surgical Oncology and ex-President of the Korean Society of Traumatology and president of the Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia (PENSA), as well as Chairman of the Korean Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (KSPEN), Vice President of IASMEN(International Association of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition)other relevant international societies.
Prof. Han is an Editor of SGO(Surgery, Gastroenterology and Oncology), Ann Surgery, Surgery, Associate Editor of Digestive Surgery, and editor of the Journal of HBPS, World J Clin Oncology, Surgical Oncology, World J of Gastroenterology, HBSN(HepatoBiliary Surgery and Nutrition) and Scientific advisor of Ann Surgical Oncol, and Reviewer ofClinical Nutrition, JACS, British J Surgery, WJS, J SurgOncol, HPB, Pancreas, Surgical Endoscopy, J GastointestinalSurg,HepatologyInt, Hepatogastroenterology, etc.