Luis Ruso Martinez, MD, FACS
Editorial Board
Dr. Luis Ruso Martinez received his medical degree from the School of Medicine of the University of Republic (UdeLar) ,Montevideo, Uruguay in 1982. His doctoral thesis on Traumatic Rupture of the Thoracic Aorta was qualified as outstanding. He completed his surgical training as a resident, chief of residents and held the academic positions of Assistant and Adjoint Professor of Surgery at the Hospital de Clinicas of Montevideo and obtained the certification in surgery and in Emergentology. He completed his training abroad in University of Rennes ( France ) Hôpital de Pontchaillou con el Dr. Bernard Launois ,and begins his specialization in hepatobiliary ,pancreatic surgery (HBP) surgery when obtained the Japan Internactional Cooperation Agency ( JICA) scholarship at the National Cancer Center in Tokyo and the American College of Surgery International Scholarship with stays in Maryland Trauma Center , Pittsburg University, Mayo Clinic and University of Omaha. After completion of his surgical training, he was appointed Adjoint professor of the Surgical Basic Reserch Department of the University of Republic (UdeLar) Montevideo. In 1998 , joined the Department of Surgery, Hospital Maciel , University of Republic in Montevideo, with Dr. Raul Praderi ; where he served as Associate Professor , after Professor of Surgery and Chair of Department of Surgery ,since 2004. Dr. Ruso Martinez has published extensively in Spanish in the field of oncology and HPB surgery . His research focusses liver hydatid cyst and biliary tract specially bile duct injuries. He serves as a reviewer for several scientific journals , is fellow of many surgical societies of Latin America and is the current president of Latin American Federation of Surgery (FELAC) and Foreign Member of de AcademieNationale de Medicine (France)