Simona Olimpia Dima, MD, Ph.D. Bucharest, Romania
Managing Editor

Scientific Researcher I, Fundeni Clinical Institute,
Coordinator Research and Development Center of Digestive Disease and Liver Transplantation
MD, PhD General Surgery, Fundeni Clinical Institute
President of the Scientific Council, Fundeni Clinical Institute (since 2017)
Scientific Coordinator of the project: POS CCE Priority Axis 2: Competitiveness through Research, Technological Development and Innovation, Operation: 2.2.1. Development of the existing C-D infrastructure and creation of new C-D infrastructures (laboratories, research centres) – 951 / code SMIS-CSNR 14056, financing contract no. 434 / 21.12.2012 – Centre of Excellence in Translational Medicine (CEMT).

Curriculum Vitae